Outreach is the strength of our ministry because it involves a hands-on approach which helps builds trust and a genuine love for God's people and the communities they live in. From Denver to the outer ends of the earth we bring to them the love of Christ in practical ways.

Our outreach can bring hope and encouragement to many peoples lives. By supporting them in their every day needs whose needs are not being meet. Physical, mental, and spiritual needs are huge for the growth of individuals. We can help by bringing them clothing, food, books, toys, and materials many cannot even afford to purchase and provide for their family. We bring unity through drama, games, music and programs that can assist them in looking towards a brighter future and to give them hope.

Focusing on others the way Jesus did is our goal. Almost all of Jesus' statements focused on others. Jesus came to seek, save, call, guide and draw people to Himself, training them to imitate and duplicate what he did.

Bringing individuals together to serve, share, and give have an impact in their own neighborhoods and communities. This helps build relationships and bonds that create a safe enviroment in their own circle of influence. Sharing in faith and the trust of God gives them them a roadmap and guidelines to a solid foundation and strength to endure.

All of this could not be possible without volunteers who enjoy serving, like our worship teams that come together from different churches to make one sound, one song. We are excited in the ways God is using our Worship and Praise Teams and for the many gifted individuals he has brought through our ministry. Because God's hand has played such a huge roll and has been the force, this part of our ministry has been able to do more than we ever imagined.

If you would like to be a part of any of our outreaches, please contact us and we would love to have you join us and experience something very special.



GodMoves Ministry - P.O. Box 11415 - Denver, Co. 80211
