The Ultimate Gift

When God encourages us to invest, it is never a loss. We thank you for continuing to wisely and prayfully invest your treasure in those areas that God puts on your heart. Your church is first, but ministries like GodMoves are worthy of your support. We need partners in the harvest who are willing to invest in peoples lives. investing in people and God's kingdom is the best use of our resources that God blesses us with.

Missionaries and ministries, such as GodMoves, are funded solely through the gifts of people like you who share the same desire to spread the gospel of Christ and His love in practical ways throughout the world. Your prayers and gifts will have an impact in the lives of others, and give those individuals hope for eternity.

If you feel God leading and touching your heart to help, please pray about your role in this ministry. Be it through words of encouragement, emails, letters, donations of material goods, or financial support by a one time gift, or monthly, your gift(s) would be a blessing and an investment in so many different ways and lives.

Another way you could invest is by going on one of our mission trips we have planned. If God has placed a desire for you to experience first hand and to work along side our ministry, we would be blessed to have another set of hands reaching out to those in need. Our short term mission trips provide two distinct cultures a taste of the harmony that exists between members of the Body of Christ and  a taste of life on the field. Short term missions now draw more than a million Americans each year.

You can give in several ways, first through Paypal, second by contacting us through the information below or just mail in a check to GodMoves Ministry. We are an IRS 501(C)(3) non-profit organization and are grateful, but most of all blessed, for all and any generous support.

GodMoves Ministry - P.O. Box 11415-Denver, Colorado 80211


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